Founded by a family of girls with Fragile X, The LivJoy Foundation is dedicated to finding and funding resources that enable girls with Fragile X Syndrome to live a life full of joy. We do so by financially supporting well-managed, high-performing organizations that align with our areas of focus.
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We aim to support medical research into treatments for females with Fragile X. More research is necessary to understand how this genetic disorder affects females from infancy through adulthood into old age. This includes fertility studies, an important area of advocacy.
Support for females with Fragile X needs to start early and continue throughout adulthood. The right school, camp, or social group can be life-changing for a girl with Fragile X. We identify and fund programs that add joy and normalcy to their lives—from meeting friends and trying new experiences to improving executive function and having access to new therapies.
It is imperative that the world learns more about Fragile X in females, as many often go undiagnosed. In addition to increasing awareness of the disorder, we support organizations that advocate for and enable genetic testing at early ages.
The LivJoy Foundation’s mission is to find, fund, and share programs that enable girls with Fragile X Syndrome to live a life full of joy.